Thursday, May 7, 2020

MotW Mystery: Tears of Thunder

Well, here we are at the first of my weekly mystery series. I'll do my best to post a new mystery for Monster of the Week every week on Friday from now until I don't. For those unfamiliar with the system, it's a stand-alone RPG from Evil Hat Games that's meant to reproduce the feeling of watching monster-of-the-week shows like Supernatural, Fringe, Buffy, or X-Files. Mysteries, for this system, are the same thing as modules for others. 

Today's mystery: Tears of Thunder

Strange power surges in the local grid have not yet led to formal investigation, but it won’t be long; sometimes the grid seems to be on the verge of a brownout, while other times there’s actually more electricity available than there should be. Officials in the local electricity co-op are baffled.
At the same time, pieces of various cars, construction equipment, grills, and other items made of either metal or electronics have gone missing. At first it was just a few small things and confined to a couple of blocks, easily dismissed as vandals or bored kids. Now, though, the vandalism is spreading and the pieces are getting larger. Last night the engine out of Rodney Shaker’s brand new Ford pickup went missing. No one saw or heard anything, and he’s raising hell with the local cops. Reports of “tiny men made out of sparks” aren’t helping.
PDF Download Link: Tears of Thunder

Overview Spoiler Below:


Welcome to my Parlor

Welcome, one and all. I envision this blog being about my tabletop roleplaying games (#ttrpg) addictions. I love me some Monster of the Week, Pathfinder, Fiasco, and others. Also I make and sell gifts and accessories for gamers at my Etsy store